
Developed by Loaded Die

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Added on April 21st, 2009.

Our Review

Pyro is a simple, fun physics-based puzzler. You need to throw fireballs around each level to light all the torches, picking the initial angle & force before watching your fireball bounce & rattle around. Try and ignore the nagging question 'how does fire bounce?' and enjoy the game! For a serious challenge try acing all the levels by completing them with just one fireball!

Our Rating: 3.5 / 5



Burn it all!


Click and drag the fireball to set power and angle, then release to hit as many torches as possible. Hit the required number of torches, and progress to the next level.

Press 'S' to suicide if the ball is not going to hit any more torches. The level will continue until all crates have finished burning in case they might light a torch. Pressing ā€˜Sā€™ will end the level immediately.

Pressing 'R' will reset the level.

Pressing 'Q' will take you back to the level selection screen.

Thanks for playing! Now check out Guild of Dungeoneering, a game I'm making where you build the dungeon instead of controlling the hero! \o/

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