Heavy Weapons

Developed by RobotJam

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Added on June 14th, 2009.

Our Review

Heavy Weapons is a slick all-action shooter set in small levels with a top-down perspective. Each mission gives you a specific target like Kill 50 Enemies, and you are pulled out of the map when you complete it. You can then purchase new weapons and try and take on the next level. Things get pretty hectic later on so watch out!

Our Rating: 4 / 5


The ultimate Flash shooter. 21 unique weapons and 60 levels of destruction.


AWSD or arrow keys to move. Mouse to aim and fire. Q and E, 1,2,3 or mouse scroll button to change weapons. P to pause.

Thanks for playing! Now check out Guild of Dungeoneering, a game I'm making where you build the dungeon instead of controlling the hero! \o/

~ One comment so far ~

  1. Geoff Hassahardon

    March 15, 2011 @ 2:30 pm

    This is so awesome! my boner just touched the ceiling! :O

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