Endless Zombie Rampage

Developed by Diseased Productions

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Added on June 1st, 2009.

Our Review

Endless Zombie Rampage is a simple, satisfying shooter where you must defend yourself from wave after wave of zombies with the usual arsenal of weaponry. As you blast the zombies, over-the-top gore splashes soon turn the ground into a disgusting red mess that doesn't fade away; a few waves in and you're literally knee-deep in the undead. Plenty of weapons, powerups and different zombies make this a bit of a classic.

Our Rating: 4 / 5


Survive the endless zombie rampage. Upgrade your character, weapons, and base along the way.

And for those of you who just want pure, straight to the point, zombie killing action, check out the survival mode.

Includes 30 enemies, 22 weapons, and endless zombie slaughter!

Thanks for playing! Now check out Guild of Dungeoneering, a game I'm making where you build the dungeon instead of controlling the hero! \o/

~ One comment so far ~

  1. Steve

    April 9, 2011 @ 8:15 pm

    Make an ability to shut the sound off… Great game otherwise.

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